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You can always order Susie's famous homemade Caesar Salad Dressing. Keep an eye out for seasonal specials like cabbage rolls, perogies and perishke. 

Follow us on social media to see what's available, as well as any special items available for the holidays.
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Welcome to our shop!

Available items change each week and are ready on Fridays. Cabbage Rolls, Perishky and our Homemade Caesar Salad Dressing are always available!


Items can be picked up Monday - Friday from 9am - 1pm at Sherwood Ford in Sherwood Park, or you can contact us to arrange pick up in Edmonton and New Sarepta. We also offer delivery within a reasonable radius for a $10 fee.

Shop online for our tasty take home meals and seasonal goodies!

If you would like to message us with your order instead of ordering online, simply click below to send us an email.
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